“What if a single strain of bacteria were responsible for over three hundred diseases affecting Americans today?”
This is the question posed by author Joseph J. Bradley in his book The Lyme Conspiracy, a thriller, steeped in mystery, suspense and controversy, revolving around the central premise of a government based Lyme Disease conspiracy.
Although the book is fictional, it is peppered with real facts uncovered by Bradley as he researched the mysterious disease that sickened him for several years. Bradley has lived with Lyme since 2006 and spent five years on antibiotics fighting the disease. To date, he says his health has made a 90 percent recovery. He still fights Lyme with supplements, a high protein, low sugar diet, a daily regimen of vitamins, massage therapy and chiropractic visits.
“I wanted to get the word out about Lyme Disease and the facts that I learned about, while at the same doing it in a way that would make it easy for people to read about and attract the attention of not only Lyme suffers but others as well,” explained a well versed Bradley, as he spoke to a packed house last Wednesday evening at the , to kick off the Author Series Program, which will be held at the library on the first Wednesday of each month.
“I think he definitely achieved what he set out to accomplish,” said Nancy Bradley, organizer of the author series. “Joe hit the nail on the head writing this book, he has obviously gotten people talking about Lyme Disease and has been successful in bringing more awareness to this disease.”
Bradley, who has written four novels over the past decade, is a dedicated writer who attributes his penned successes to his determination and self discipline.
“I make myself write for two hours every day, right when I wake up in the morning, I get my coffee and I go write, while listening to Bach and Chopin,” he explained.
The idea for this particular novel came about after it was confirmed, with the help of a Lyme literate doctor, that he had the disease and it had wreaked havoc on his body and his immune system.
He describes his own Lyme experience in the book.
“This disease is the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to me and I feel for the millions of people out there that are suffering and dying every day. This is why I decided to write The Lyme Conspiracy."
The book, which is kept moving with thrilling mystery, has three central characters; Connecticut State Police Detective Taylor Marshall, a former Navy SEAL and hired assassin named Ben, and investigative reporter, Gary Mitchell. There is murder, government cover-ups, romance and more with a strong connection to the mysterious scientific goings on at Plum Island and the Connecticut shoreline, a perfect read for locals and beyond.
Apart from its entertainment value, this book and its subject matter is one that Lyme sufferers are excited about for its potential to spark more awareness and concern about this debilitating disease and the guarded “conspiracies” that surround it in regard to doctors, pharmaceutical companies and the United States government.
“I think it is great to have a local writer who understands this disease and lives it, write about it,” said Killingworth resident Debbie Wojick.
“This is a very important disease to get the word out about and I think this book is a great way to do it,” said Noreen Sanders of Killingworth, who has been living with Lyme Disease for the past 20 years.
The book took approximately two and half years to complete and hit the shelves in June of this year.
“I wanted this book to be a good read, fun and educational and I think it is,” said Bradley, a former veteran police officer who holds a Masters degree in criminology. He lives in Killingworth with his family.
“I did more research for this book than I did for my others,” he added, explaining that his background has helped him to understand both the criminal mind and the detective mind and has aided him in architecting his stories.
“Every character is from my imagination and every character is me, it’s all based on my ideas and what I’ve lived and come up with."
He encourages other to write.
“Dedicate yourself to it, don’t give up and make sure you find time to write every day, even if it is for just an hour, do it!”
The Lyme Conspiracy can be purchased at www.thelymeconspiracy.com. The website included detailed information about the disease and Bradley’s research. It is also available at amazon.com and several local book stores. Joe will be giving another talk about his book, at Essex Books on Oct. 27 from noon to 1 p.m. (the talk will be held at Gather in Ivoryton.)
For more information about upcoming authors at the Killingworth Library, go to www.killingworthlibrary.org, or call 860-663-2000.
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