• Andy MosesNeighbor

  • Durham-Middlefield, CT

Andy Moses is owner/head trainer at CT Fitness Coach located in Durham CT. Andy has a B.S. in Fitness and Wellness from Cal U. and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Performance Enhancement Specialist and Corrective Exercise Specialist. His education and expertise has allowed him to custom tailor his exercise programs to each individual client’s needs and goals. Andy’s youth, high school, and college sports performance training programs have given his athletes the ability to dominate no matter what sport they play. Whether it is on the field, on the court, or simply hitting a personal record at the gym, a personalized sports performance training program will give all athletes the advantage they’re looking for. Andy has always considered his athletes and clients his top priority and it’s this way of thinking that has allowed him to personalize his services so that everyone gets the best possible experience and a training environment that’s second to none.

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